U najnovijem broju Business.hr nalazi se i reportaža o 17. međunarodnom sajmu gospodarstva, obrtništva i poljoprivrede Viroexpo 2012, koji se je od 20. do 22. siječnja održavao u Virovitici. Na dvije stranice, govori se o sajmu, njegovim izlagačima
In the newest edition of Business.hr there is a article about the 17th international fair of economy, crafts and agriculture Viroexpo 2012, which was held in Virovitica for the 20th till the 22nd of January there was talk about the fair
U najnovijem broju Business.hr nalazi se i reportaža o 17. međunarodnom sajmu gospodarstva, obrtništva i poljoprivrede Viroexpo 2012, koji se je od 20. do 22. siječnja održavao u Virovitici. Na dvije stranice, govori se o sajmu, njegovim izlagačima, kojih je ove godine bilo, rekordnih 757. Posebno su apostrofirani gosti iz stranih zemalja koji su došli na Viroexpo iz Ukrajine i Francuske. U tekstu se naglašava kako je Ukrajince privukla proizvodnja voća i povrća, ljekovitog bilja i meda u Virovitičko-podravskoj županiji, dok su Francuzi u Viroviticu došli s vrhunskim vinima.
In the newest edition of Business.hr there is a article about the 17th international fair of economy, crafts and agriculture Viroexpo 2012, which was held in Virovitica for the 20th till the 22nd of January there was talk about the fair on two pages and its, record 757, exhibitors. Guest from foreign countries Ukraine and France who visited Viroexpo were especially apostrophized. The text emphasizes how the Ukrainians were attracted by the production of fruits and vegetables, healing herbs and honey in the Virovitica-Podravina County, while the French came to Virovitica with high quality wines.