U sklopu održavanja ovogodišnjeg rekordnog Viroexpo-a 2012, a s ciljem daljnje promocije i jačanja Međunarodnog sajma gospodarstva, obrtništva i poljoprivrede Viroexpa, Ugovor o poslovnoj suradnji potpisali su Sajam Split (tvrtka Sajam d.o.o.)
With this year’s record Viroexpo 2012, and with a goal to further promote and to strengthen the International fair of business, crafts and agriculture Viroexpo.
U sklopu održavanja ovogodišnjeg rekordnog Viroexpo-a 2012, a s ciljem daljnje promocije i jačanja Međunarodnog sajma gospodarstva, obrtništva i poljoprivrede Viroexpa, Ugovor o poslovnoj suradnji potpisali su Sajam Split (tvrtka Sajam d.o.o.) te tvrtka Viroexpo d.o.o.. Poslovna suradnja ostvarivat će se na projektima GAST 2012 koji se ove godine održava od 7. do 11. ožujka u Splitu. Poslovna suradnja Sajma d.o.o. i Viroexpo d.o.o. uključuje razmjenu promotivnih aktivnosti te pomoć pri agitiranju svojih izlagača i poslovnih partnera za sudjelovanje na navedenim projektima. Tako će izlagači koji su bili na Viroexpo-u 2012 na GASTU-u moći iznajmiti izložbeni prostor uz odobreni rabat od 10 posto na izložbeni prostor. Ista situacija je s onima koji nastupaju na GAST-u, a bili su na Viroexpo-u 2012. Ugovor su potpisali direktor Viroexpo d.o.o. Igor Andrović i te predstavnica tvrtke Sajam d.o.o. Natalija Bradarić.
With this year’s record Viroexpo 2012, and with a goal to further promote and to strengthen the International fair of business, crafts and agriculture Viroexpo. The contract on business cooperation was signed by Sajam Split (the company Sajam Ltd)and the company Viroexpo Ltd. The business cooperation will be realized on projects GAST 2012 which will this year take place from the 7th till 11th of March in Split. The business cooperation between Sajam Ltd and Viroexpo Ltd includes an exchange of promotional activities and help with agitation of its exhibitors and business partners for their participation on the for-mentioned projects. So the exhibitors, who attended Viroexpo 2012, will be able to rent exhibit area on GAST with an approved discount of 10% on exhibit area. The same situation is with those who attended GAST, and were on Viroexpo 2012. The contract was signed by the director of Viroexpo Ltd. Igor Andrović, and the representative of the company Sajam Ltd. Natalija Bradarić.