Za 18. Međunarodni sajam gospodarstva, obrtništva i poljoprivrede Viroexpo 2013., koji se održava od 18. do 20. siječnja 2013. godine u Virovitici, već postoji velik interes izlagača. Na službenoj Internet stranici sajma ( može se preuzeti ili „on-line“ ispunitiThere is a large interest of exhibitors for the 18th International fair of economy, crafts and agriculture Viroexpo prijavnica za sudjelovanje na Viroexpo-u 2013. Kako bi se izašlo u susret manjim izlagačima i omogućilo im se sudjelovanje na sajmu Viroexpo, uvedena je nova vrsta manjeg izložbenog prostora, a to je zatvoreni minimalno opremljen prostor od 4m2.
Pokrovitelji 18. međunarodnog sajma gospodarstva, obrtništva i poljoprivrede, uz Vladu Republike Hrvatske kao generalnog pokrovitelja, su Ministarstvo poduzetništva i obrta, Ministarstvo poljoprivrede i Ministarstvo turizma. Organizatori i pokrovitelji su Virovitičko-podravska županija, Grad Virovitica, HGK – Županijska komora Virovitica, HOK – Obrtnička komora Virovitičko-podravske županije i Turistička zajednica Virovitčko-podravske županije. Tehnički realizator sajma je tvrtka Viroexpo d.o.o.. 2013, which is being held from 18th to the 20th of January 2013 in Virovitica. On the official website of the fair ( one can download or fill in the application for the participation on Viroexpo 2013 on-line. In order to meet the interest of smaller exhibitors and to enable them to participate on the fair Viroexpo, a new kinf of smaller exhibit area has been introduced, and that is a closed minimally furnished area of 4m2.
The sponsors of the 18th international fair of economy, crafts and agriculture, along with the government of Croatia as the general sponsor, are the Ministry of entrepreneurship and crafts, Ministry of agriculture and Ministry of tourism. Organizers and sponsors are Virovitica-Podravina County, City of Virovitica, CCE – County chamber Virovitica, CCTC – Trade and crafts chamber of Virovitica-Podravina County and Tourist board of Virovitica-Podravina County. Technical executer of the fair is the company Viroexpo Ltd.