Započela je trodnevna sajamska manifestacija Viroexpo, koja se održava od 18. do 20. siječnja u Virovitici. Uz domaćina, predsjednika Organizacijskog odbora sajma Viroexpo, župana Tomislava Tolušića, otvorenju sajma su nazočili potpredsjednik sabora Željko Reiner, ministar Gordan Maras, veleposlanica Kraljevine Belgije u Republici Hrvatskoj Nancy Rossignol, saborski zastupnici s područja Virovitičko-podravske županije Josip Đakić,A three-day fair event Viroexpo, that takes place from 18th to 20 January in Virovitica, has begun. Besides the host, the president of the Organizing Committee of the Fair Viroexpo, county prefect Tomislav Tolušić,, the fair opening was attended by Vice President of parliament Željko Reiner , Minister Gordan Maras, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium Nancy Rossignol, Sandra Petrović, Tomislav Žagar i Igor Češek, članovi organizacijskog odbora gradonačelnik Virovitice Ivica Kirin, predsjednik HGK ŽK Virovitica Ivan Slamić, predsjednik HOK OK Virovitica Vladimir Ivoš i ostali uvaženi gosti…
Zemlja partner 18. međunarodnog sajma gospodarstva, obrtništva i poljoprivrede Viroexpo 2013 je Kraljevina Belgija, koja se jučer predstavila na gospodarskom forumu u Virovitičko-podravskoj županiji i prezentaciji belgijskih piva i čokolade u Gradskom muzeju Virovitica. Kompletan raspored događanja, uz sutrašnja (subota) brojna predavanja na Sajamskom prostoru Viroexpo-a, može se pogledati na službenoj Internet stranici
Prisutnima se je obratila i veleposlanica Kraljevine Belgije Nancy Rossignol te čestitala županu Tomislavu Tolušiću i gradonačelniku Ivici Kirinu na stvaranju konstruktivnog gospodarskog ozračja u ovoj regiji što je u ovo doba ekonomske krize trenutno i najvažnije.
Župan Tomislav Tolušić podsjetio je prisutne da je prvi sajam imao samo 375 m² izložbenog prostora, 30 izlagača i 1200 posjetitelja da bi posljednji zabilježio gotovo 30.000 m² izložbenog prostora 757 izlagača i 26.000 posjetitelja. Posebno je naglasio i to da Viroexpo trenutno nema niti jednog zaposlenog već da stotinjak ljudi kroz volonterstvo i zajedništvo proizvodi jedan od najboljih sajmova u Hrvatskoj. Na kraju je izrazio zadovoljstvo što je sajam do sada bio prepoznat od strane Vlade RH i resornih ministarstava te zahvalio svima koji pomažu da i dalje živi Viroexpo – sajam sa najvećim srcem i dušom od svih 280 sajmova u Hrvatskoj.
Podsjetimo, 18. međunarodni sajam gospodarstva, obrtništva i poljoprivrede Viroexpo održava se u Virovitici od 18. do 20. siječnja 2013. Zemlja partner ovogodišnjeg Viroexpo-a je Kraljevina Belgija, a pokrovitelji, uz Vladu Republike Hrvatske kao generalnog pokrovitelja, su Ministarstvo poduzetništva i obrta te Ministarstvo poljoprivrede. Organizatori i pokrovitelji su: Virovitičko-podravska županija, Grad Virovitica, HGK – Županijska komora Virovitica, HOK – Obrtnička komora Virovitičko-podravske županije i Turistička zajednica Virovitčko-podravske županije. Tehnički realizator sajma je tvrtka Viroexpo d.o.o., a medijski pokrovitelj Informativni centar Virovitica. (iš, rc)
Parliament members from the area of Virovitica-Podravina County Josip Đakić, Sandra Petrović, Tomislav Žagar and Igor Češek, members of the organizing committee the mayor of Virovitica Ivica Kirin, President of Croatian chamber of economy subsidiary Virovitica Ivan Slamić, Croatian Chamber of Crafts subsidiary Virovitica president Vladimir Ivoš and other distinguished guests…
Partner Country of the 18th International Fair of Economy, crafts and agriculture Viroexpo 2013, is the Kingdom of Belgium, who was yesterday unveiled on an economic forum in Virovitica-podravina County and presented Belgian beers and chocolates in the Virovitica City Museum. A complete schedule of events, along with tomorrow’s (Saturday) numerous lectures at the fairgrounds Viroexpo, can be viewed on the official website
Guests were addressed by the Belgian Ambassador Nancy Rossignol who congratulated the county prefect Tomislav Tolusic and the Mayor of Virovitica Ivica Kirin to create a constructive economic climate in this region, which is in this current time of economic crisis, the most important.
County Prefect Tomislav Tolušić reminded those who were present that the first fair was only 375 sqm of exhibition space, 30 exhibitors and 1200 visitors while the last recorded nearly 30,000 sqm of exhibition space 757 exhibitors and 26,000 visitors. It is especially emphasized that currently there the Viroexpo doesn’t have any employees, but hundreds of people who are volunteering and community produced one of the best fairs in Croatia. In the end he was satisfied that the Fair, so far recognized by the Government and relevant ministries and thanked all those who are helping to keep Viroexpo alive – Fair with the biggest heart and soul of all 280 fairs in Croatia.
A reminder the 18th International Fair of Economy, crafts and agriculture Viroexpo is being held in Virovitica from the 18th to 20th January 2013. Viroexpo’s partner country this year is the Kingdom of Belgium, and the sponsors of the 18th international fair of economy, crafts and agriculture, along with the Croatia government as a general sponsor, are the Ministry of entrepreneurship and crafts, Ministry of agriculture and Ministry of tourism. Organizers and sponsors are Virovitica-Podravina County, City of Virovitica, CCE – County Chamber Virovitica, CCC – Crafts chamber of Virovitica – Podravina County and Tourist board of Virovitica – Podravina County. Technical executor of the fair is the company Viroexpo Ltd.